BT | Low latency network broadcast address
发布时间 : 2018-04-13 点击次数 :
The new generation of low latency network broadcast address has the following charac-teristics:
Transfer analog and digital audio signal with low latency
Encode Hard Digital IP Audio with hardware . Transfer CD quality analog and digital audio signal within 20 milliseconds synchronously.So everybody has “zero latency” or “no la-tency” brodcasting experience.

Transfer signal safely and stable the whole system
Data encryption standard algorithm , in line with the school's broadcast address security requirements. Main and backup servers configurations. Dual audio protection and offline scheduli-ng andaudio playback to protect and sta-bilize the whole system. Once the main server fails, the system can seamlessly switch to the backup server. And even the network can not work, the task can also be executed, audio files can also play.
Sound and control signals are digital and accurate
All devices are equipped with CMOS digital integrated circuits, and there is no other so-lution provider besides us. High precision audio signals can control the output of high-precision and flexible audio signals.

Distrubuted software/service and cross-platform architecture
Angular B/S architecture adopted. Everyone can login and access the school broadcast address via browser/web or mob-ile applications of android or iOS anytime , anywhere.